Got caught on the BB this afternoon; thought I’d lost my password and locked myself out. Didn’t realise that I’d somehow got Caps On. Just shows – any computer literate user (I claim to be such) needs some hand-holding! [Also needs a manual – so I’m printing one off now!]
Got my Contacts on the device now – whew! Needed an install of BlackBerry Desktop manager on top of the Notes install, and even though I had to provide a BES server location, it actually downloads from my aging iPAQ sitting on its cradle – USB->USB. Really makes a difference and with all the different modes of contacting them at a click; it makes contacting them so much easier. I do like that! Really neat feature is clicking on an address and getting a map from Google Earth – no excuse for getting lost. As it has onboard GPS as well, I don’t even have to talk to strangers.
Quantitive Geographers should be able to triangulate their position without the need for a GPS, surely?
DIH – do you mean Quantitative or Physical? On both counts of course I qualify, so you’re right! Actually it’ll be interesting to see whether GPS kills map-reading over the next few years. Real skill in being able to translate a view of reality (landscape) to a representation of reality (a map) into a third framework that allows decision-making and action.