So that’s it for IT Services
Earlier this year, I gave a “farewell presentation” at the Gregynog Colloquium for IT Staff in Welsh HE institutions. The title was meant to be a bit tongue-in-cheek as I was retiring {more no doubt on that later}, but it was really meant to be a “call to arms” – hopefully encouraging my colleagues to look again at what they were doing and considering whether there were different or additional things they should be considering.
Until prompted, last week, I’d forgotten that I hadn’t put it on Slideshare, or blogged about it – rare for me {although there are clear linkages to my earlier post on this site on IT and Strategy}. Now both have been rectified. Hope there’s something of relevance here for you.
[slideshare id=6047000&doc=sothatsitforitservicesorisit-101206050303-phpapp01]