A further update on the previous post.
Just found out that Firefox 3.1b1 has in-built geolocation functionality. You can check it out also with v3 using the Geode plugin. With 3.1b1 and brightkite [now defunct] you can use “Guess my location” – it might work, but using WiFi it’s likely to be a bit hit and miss. Otherwise there’s a Loki plugin that will work with other browsers (ie Flock). For more information go to Mozilla.
Then there’s blogloc [now defunct]- an application that takes your location from FireEagle and provides two kinds of map – static (safer) and a live Google Map of your location to paste on your website. So this is where blogloc (static badge) thinks I am.
Once a geographer, always a geographer at heart.
Does the Geode plugin work with Flock??
Not until Firefox 3.1 as far as I understand it – look at