The idea of thought grazing came about during the time I was working at Cardiff University. I had responsibility for digital enablement within the Information Services directorate – encouraging the take-up of social media across the University. One of the ways we did this was through the promotion of social media cafes where folk got together to discuss what they were doing with social media – blogs, twitter, facebook, skyping, messaging and the like – and the best way to encourage adoption and best practice in use.
So, now retired, I’ve been looking for a way to share what I know or have experienced with others who are interested in using social media and digital technologies to keep in touch with friends and family, as well as survive in a digital world!
I am trying to make any skills and expertise that I have gained through a lifetime of using IT – particularly connected with blogging, genealogy, photography and videos – available to fellow Third Agers.
So this blog is the focus for some “thought grazing” for us “silver surfers” – hopefully we might even have some coffee together.
All the best. David Harrison.