Encore #hospitweet … no way!

So that was a bit of a surprise! Just over two weeks ago, on a Sunday morning I was doing something rather stupid – lifting and turning  a large bag of garden cushions above my head, up the stairs into the loft room – and I felt something “go” in my chest. It wasn’t a sharp pain as such, just a sudden ache – a bit like you get when you’ve twisted suddenly, or stretched too far. But unlike that sort of pain, it didn’t seem to want to go away. So I rested for a while, but it persisted, so with my history, I asked Jenny to take me to A&E at UHW.

I only seem to have had one of these symptoms …… and the pain was very mild, but the troponin test suggested that I’d indeed had a mild (or minor) heart attack. So I stayed in the Heath for a couple of days whilst they monitored me and persuaded me to go back on blood pressure medication – candesartan, and to take clopidogrel for a year. That I’ve done, and will do, but more important (for me) is that I need to face-up to the reality that I’ve been too sedentary this year – I’ve not had enough exercise so I’ve put on  weight slowly, my diet has been a bit too laissez-faire – I’ve  eaten more carbs than I should and I’ve probably drunk too much alcohol, and I’ve done precious little to try and reduce my levels of anxiety/stress. These, I’m now committed to tackle and how I go about this I’ll detail in my next, and ensuing posts.



It’s your health, not the NHS’s

I’ve just been asked to give a few pointers as to why I decided to “plough my own furrow” in respect of my decision to take a more “hands-on” approach to my medication and handling of my Coronary Heart Disease – so here goes!

This video popped into my email this morning. It’s so important to understand the degree to which our medical “industry” is perverted that I thought I ought to share it with you. We already know about Bad Pharma (Ben Goldacre), but of recent there’s been an attempt to stifle informed and well-respected debate about the way one should treat various conditions including CHD and diabetes. This video from someone at the heart of the controversy is worth 30mins of your time, even if it’s breathless and rocket-speed delivery give you precious time to think, consider or reflect. However, the one lasting impression you are left with is – take an active part in the decision-making where the decisions effect YOUR health.