Stuff that I need to put to one side otherwise I just can’t move on
Things I want to get a decision on …
- Christmas lunch in Shrewsbury
- Trip to Dublin with Roy & Di in December
- Trip to North-east to see Roy AND David Taylor photo-day
- Trip to NM in October to do house stuff
- Trip to Norway with Jane (check with John re. best time)
Jenny needs to consider still (2 year later)
- Accepting there’s more than one way of doing things in the house (see below)
- That not all ideas/suggestions are criticisms, they have substance and need to be respected as opinions for discussion – little signs of change
- Not being so emotional (see above), and not resort to describing everything as being me wanting to manage everything. I don’t, I just want as smooth and easy life as I can get. Usually this involves deploying a logic that I see, which might, or might not, depending upon discussion (see above), be worth doing – little signs of change
- Trying to prioritise stuff so that she
- Realises that not everything has to be done, every time, to the same level of attempted perfection. It never will, and you’ll always end up disappointed – little signs of change
- Gets some time for herself, and pleasure doing things she wants to do, not just looking after everyone else, even though it gives her pleasure – little signs of change
- Has quality time with me, not squeezed time between doing everything else – little signs of change
- Isn’t always rushing around at the last minute (see above) – little signs of change
- Planning and preparing lists and celebrating achievement. Sticking to routines and concentrating on processes and systems for doing things (eg finance) – little signs of change
- Trying to make more rapid decisions, accepting that they might not be the right ones sometimes but that decisions have to be made, or a timescale for decision-making needs to be agreed and adhered to, because sometimes delays cause me unnecessary anxiety – little signs of change
- Getting things done on time (see above) – little signs of change
Two years + later – the annoyance list
- Stuff left in the sink – little signs of change
- Wooden handled implements in the dishwasher – little signs of change
- Sharp knives in the dishwasher – little signs of change
- Putting Meyer pans in dishwasher – little signs of change
- Carefree loading of the dishwasher – little signs of change
- Surfaces being always covered with stuff, so you can’t easily work on them – little signs of change
- Stuff being moved around and never finding a home, or the task they’re involved in not being finalised in a timely fashion – little signs of change
- Too many tasks on the go at any one time, so that it’s difficult to see progress – little signs of change
- Not accepting advice, eg using the cupboard plug for Dyson, advice rebutted – have to bend down … then lots more bending has to be undertaken to switch on two of the Garden Room lights – little signs of change