A family website to help us plan and co-ordinate our holiday. Latest news and events should be posted on this page, otherwise check the Blog page, or any other Page from the Menu bar. Maps from Michelin can now be found under the Location menu, not the link that was previously under Activities (as in the WhatsApp link/message).
Added a “directions” map under Accommodation menu (as requested by Gail); also added link to Property details, under Accommodation page.
Received notification about possibility of early check-in – details of agent’s telephone number in link below. Agreed to pay the Bond in €, DeeJay to arrange.
Message from me to villa owner and his reply. Please read.
Final payment to be made this week. I will check final arrangements and requests we need to put to the owner via WhatsApp. Also remember DeeJay’s suggestion and request for input on shopping.
Confirmed with owner the 8-bedroom configuration, and got details of a housekeeper.